SRJ Walker Wayland

Express Business Health Check
– 90 minute session

When was the last time you reviewed the health of your business?

Its easy to get caught up in your business and operations, but its essential to take time to work on your business.

Taking time out to review where you are with structures, performance with both people and financial, cashflows or other burning issues are so important to achieve your goals.

Before our initial meeting we will send you a series of diagnostics to complete so we can understand the current state of your business and readiness to change, pinpointing key opportunities and issues. For example you will use our:

Growth & Profit Solutions Diagnostic

What we will do:

Using the results from the Growth and Profit diagnostic, we will facilitate this session to help you:

• Understand what’s working and what’s not working in your business NOW

• Clarify WHERE you want to be in the future based on your vision for the business

• Determine the Top 3 key strategies on HOW to get there and the actions you need to take to make it happen.

What we will deliver:

• Interactive 90-minute workshop

• Growth and Profit Diagnostic results

• One Page Plan identifying your top 3 areas for improvement and a clear roadmap of how you can get there.